Node Philly at Philly Tech Week | 2013

By Node Philly (other events)

Tuesday, April 23 2013 8:30 AM 8:00 PM EST

Our second annual conference bringing some of the most notable experts in the Node.js community to the City of Brotherly Love to speak, collaborate, and hack.

This year we are offering a full-day agenda consisting of a hardware hack with Ninja Blocks and an evening full of memorable talks covering API development, application development, real time communications, and details about the tech and startup initiatives backed by the City of Philadelphia. As always, expect great food, plenty of refreshments and an awesome atmosphere!


Ninja Blocks Workshop  |  8:30am – 3:00pm

Join Dan Friedman of Ninja Blocks for a full day of hacking at their incredible home automation hardware. The morning will kick off with breakfast, an intro to the Ninja Blocks platform, and some quick demos of what you can build. After this, attendees will break off into teams and will be given pools of hardware to take and build whatever they want throughout the day. Around 2:00pm, teams will be given the opportunity to demo the cool stuff they've built. 

The hardware pools will follow the four tracks listed below:

Build Your Own Sensor - Learn how Ninja Block sensors are composed, prototype your own sensor, follow through to completion by soldering your final prototype.

Homemade Drivers - Learn what a Ninja driver is, cover the tools needed to create one, and then pair up with the HAL9000 and Espionage tracks so they may leverage the drivers you create. 

HAL9000 - You'll learn how Ninja apps operate along with creating your own high-level, environment-controlling apps leveraging sensors and featuring such hardware as Phillips Hue.

Espionage - Learn about Ninja apps and how they operate and create your own apps that can remotely send images and sound on command. Featured hardware for this track includes copters and spy tanks!


There to help you through problems will be coaches Dan Friedman, Bryan Paluch and Jordan Santell along with organizers Tim Savery and Brett Whitham.

Psst… We even heard that Ninja Blocks will be raffling off a few of their devices for attendees!

*Attendance for this workshop is limited to under 40 so be sure to get your tickets soon.


10gen & StrongLoop Special Presentation  |  3:15pm – 4:00pm

In this talk with Matt Pardee (Developer Evangelist, and Mike O'Brien (Software Engineer, 10gen), you'll learn what it takes to build an app that relies on instant REST data services powered by MongoDB and Node.js. First, they'll demo environment prep with the StrongLoop Node.js distro and then set up a MongoDB instance that you can connect to using the Mongoose NPM module. Next, with the Express web framework they'll expose the REST APIs for CRUD operations giving data access patterns. After this, Swagger will be leveraged for describing and producing the APIs as well as building an API explorer. To wrap up, they'll implement security models via oAuth to secure data access. By the end of the demo you'll be ready to serve out REST data services powered by MongoDB and Node.js.


Node Philly Conference  |  4:00pm – 8:00pm

The conference will be full of our normal flavor of exciting talks and refreshments. We'll be covering a range of topics focused around APIs, appication development, and real time communications. Our tentative speaker list is as follows:


After party courtesy of Leadnomics  |  8:30pm – ???

Join Leadnomics at City Tap House for a wrap up party that is sure to last long into the night!


Thanks to our sponsors